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New members are always welcome at Curl Sudbury!

We offer a variety of memberships, and we have one that is just right for you too! You can sign-up as a team or individual.


If you don’t have a team to play on, don’t worry! The league conveners will ensure that you get a place on a team. Many of our social leagues are specifically designed to mix up teams every few weeks so that you get a chance to meet, play and socialize with a lot of different people. Look for Thursday night scramble if you're single.

Our social leagues are also a great way to develop your curling skills. All leagues accept spares and new players throughout the year.


Benefits of Our Membership

When you are a member with us, there are plenty of benefits that can be reaped. 

  • FREE practice ice

  • Discounted Pay-As-You-Play

  • 50% off locker rental

  • more to come!



  • Ice level temperature is approximately 5 Celsius/40 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • It’s best to wear a light jacket or fleece over a warm shirt. Thin flexible gloves are also a great idea!


  • Curling requires a little stretching and you will be most comfortable wearing pants that are loose.


  • The Club recommends that you wear either a protective headband or helmet while on the ice.


  • Clean shoes are required. The ice needs to be clean. Debris from dirty shoes can make the rocks behave erratically and cause damage to the ice. Please bring a separate pair of clean shoes, don't wear outdoor shoes!


  • There is a men's and ladies change room and lockers available for members.


  • The club recommends that you wear grippers on both feet while on the ice, except when delivering a rock. Do not step onto the ice with your slider!


  • No food is allowed on the ice.


  • Sliders, curling brushes, and sticks are provided by the curling club.


  • Please arrive 15 minutes before start time for ice preparations: put on shoes, warm-ups, etc.


  • If you have to miss a curling game please get a replacement from the bye team or a list of spares & advise your skip.


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